
电影 AnimationActionAdventureCrimeFamilyMysteryThriller动画 2010 Japan
导演: 山本泰一郎
主演: 大川透三宅健太伊藤静林原惠美宫村优子高山南山崎和佳奈小山力也松井菜樱子井上和彦山口胜平绪方贤一岩居由希子高木涉大谷育江刘杰谷山纪章堀川亮大友龙三郎石冢运升茶风林大本真基子千叶一伸大桥望美阪口周平本多知惠子广濑正志汤屋敦子小川真司天田益男大西健晴永井一郎池田知聪松本大石毛佐和真地勇志小山武宏中田浩二野田圭一小田敏充石井真优木真央美
状态: 高清
剧情: Kid has his eyes set on the "Lady of the Sky" jewel aboard Bell 3, the largest airship in ...展开the world. However, a mysterious terrorist group called Red Shamu-neko has hijacked the airship, along with Conan and his allies Kogoro and Ran.收起