
导演: 京极义昭长滨亘彦则座诚矢花馨岩崎太郎金子伸吾山崎雄太小松达彦镰仲史阳

主演: 伊藤静国立幸高桥李依丰崎爱生樫井笙人原纱友里大塚明夫山本希望川澄绫子东山奈央井上麻里奈水桥香织花守由美里进藤尚美大畑伸太郎矢野亚沙美松田利冴平野俊隆

状态: 全12集

剧情: Nadeshiko, a high school student who had moved from Shizuoka to Yamanashi, decides to see the famous...展开, 1000 yen-bill-featured Mount Fuji. Even though she manages to bike all the way to ...                    See full summary »收起


工作细胞 8.0 全13集 The human body consists of approximately 37 trillion cells. These cells are hard at work every day w
工作细胞 Animation Action Comedy Fantasy 日本动漫 
摇曳露营△ 全12集 Nadeshiko, a high school student who had moved from Shizuoka to Yamanashi, decides to see the famous
摇曳露营△ Animation Adventure Comedy 日本动漫